Sunday, October 23, 2011


1. Asphyxia
2. Distributive shock (e.g., anaphylaxis)
3. Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
4. Multisystem trauma
5. Sepsis/septic shock
6. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
7. Toxic ingestions/inhalations (e.g., drug/alcohol
8. Toxin/drug exposur

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cardiac Markers

Cardiac markers
Initial Elevation
Peak Elevation
Return to Baseline
1-4 h
6-7 h
18-24 h
4-12 h
10-24 h
48-72 h
Cardiac Trop I
3-12 h
10-24 h
3-10 d
Cardiac Trop T
3-12 h
12-48 h
5-14 d

The troponin I is the most sensitive cardiac marker, detectable in serum 3-6 hours after an MI, and its level remains elevated for 14 days.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Anterior Wall MI

Anterior wall infarction results from occlusion of the proximal LAD artery. ST-segment elevation is expected in leads V1 through V4 on the 12-lead ECG, as shown in. If the left main coronary artery is occluded, the ECG manifestations will involve almost all of the precordial leads V1through V6 and leads I and aVL (see above). These specific groups of ECG changes that help to locate the part of the heart that is infarcting are called indicative changes. A large anterior wall MI may be associated with left ventricular pump failure, cardiogenic shock, or death.


Left lateral wall infarction occurs as a result of occlusion of the circumflex coronary artery. On a 12-lead ECG, new Q waves and ST-segment T-wave changes are seen in leads I, aVL, V5, and V6.  In reality, very few patients present with only lateral wall ECG changes. Often times some anterior wall leads (V3 and V4) may show evidence of injury or infarction. 


1.  A - Nipride
2.  A - PVR
3.  A - Pulmonary Edema
4.  A - RAP
5.  C - Pulmonary HTN
6.  C - Vasoconstriction
7.  A - Increased HR, contractility, conductivity
8.  D - Vasodilation, bronchodilation
9.  B - Dilation of the renal and mesenteric arteries
10. D - Phenylephrine
11. C - Dobutamine
12. A - Isoproternol
13. B - Dopamine at 2 mcg
14. B - V3
15. D - Phenylephrine
16. C - Start large bore IVs, get lab samples and fluid bolus
17. C - Pericardial tamponade
18. D - Perform synchronized cardioversion
19. C - Atrial fib
20. C -Bleeding at the groin site


Friday, September 2, 2011

Inferior Wall MI R/T Right Ventricular Infarct


If your patient is admitted with an Inferior wall MI always obtain a right sided EKG. 45% of patients that present with Inferior Wall MI will also develop Right Ventricular Infarct (RVI). See image below for placement of electrodes for right sided EKG.

This is important because the treatment is different for RVI.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inferior Wall Infarction

Inferior wall MI is caused by occlusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). This type of infarction is manifested by ECG changes in leads II, III, and aVF (See image below).

Conduction abnormalities are expected with an inferior wall MI and are r/t the anatomy of the coronary arterial circulation supply. The RCA perfuses the sinoatrial (SA) node in slightly more than 50% of the population, supplies the proximal bundle of His and atrioventricular (AV) node in more than 90% of individuals, heart block and other conduction disturbances should be anticipated.

Inferior wall infarction has a mortality rate of about 6%. If the right ventricle is involved, the mortality rate rises to 25% to 30%.

The images below show changes seen on a 12-lead ECG with an inferior wall MI. A.   Infarction location on cardiac wall.
B.   ECG leads with expected ST-segment elevation.
C.   A 12-lead ECG from a patient experiencing inferior wall MI.

Correlations Among Ventricular Surfaces, EKG Leads, & Coronary Arteries

Below is a table which list corresponding surface area of the heart with EKG leads and the coronary artery usually involved. The location of infarction is determined by correlating the ECG leads with Q waves and the ST-segment T-wave abnormalities.  Infarction most commonly affects the left ventricle and the interventricular septum; however, the right ventricle can be infracted, and many patients who sustain an inferior MI have some right ventricular damage. The ECG manifestations that are used to diagnose an MI and pinpoint the area of damaged ventricle include inverted T waves, ST-segment elevation, and pathologic Q waves in specific lead groupings as described subsequently.

Surface of Left VentricleEKG LeadsCoronary Artery Usually Involved
InferiorII, III, aVFRight coronary artery (RCA)
LateralV5-V6, I, aVLLeft circumflex (CIRC)
AnteriorV2-V4Left anterior descending (LAD)
Anterior lateralV1-V6, I, aVLLeft main coronary artery (L MAIN)
SeptalV1-V2Left anterior descending (LAD)
PosteriorV1-V2Left circumflex or right coronary artery (reciprocal changes)
V7-V9 (direct)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Coronary Circulation

Diagram of the coronary arteries

The above image is the coronary circulation. Please print out and review the coronary arteries. It is important to know coronary circulation. If a patient is having an heart attack, the initial treatment is different based on location of infarction.

Stay posted!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

CCRN Test Plan

Clinical judgement comprises 80% of the CCRN exam. The other 20% represents professional caring and ethical practice. Listed below is the breakdown of the 80% by system.  This BlogSpot is a guideline to help focus your studying and prepare you will questions. We will start with the cardiovascular system and work our way through the other systems overs the next several months.  Scroll below to find the breakdown of the cardiovascular system by disease specifics.

System Breakdown
A. Cardiovascular (20%)                                      
B. Pulmonary (18%)                                            
C. Endocrine (5%)                                                
D. Hematology/Immunology (2%)
E.  Neurology (12%)                         
F.  Gastrointestinal (6%)
G.  Renal (6%)
H.  Multi-system (8%)
I.  Behavior & Psycho-social 4%

Cardiovascular Breakdown
1. Acute coronary syndromes (including unstable angina)
2. Acute myocardial infarction/ischemia (including papillary muscle rupture)
3. Acute peripheral vascular insufficiency (e.g.,acute arterial occlusion, carotid artery stenosis, endartarectomy, peripheral stents, Fem-Pop bypass)
4. Acute pulmonary edema
5. Cardiac surgery (e.g., valve replacement, CABG)
6. Cardiac trauma
7. Cardiogenic shock
8. Cardiomyopathies (e.g., hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive, idiopathic)
9. Dysrhythmias
10. Heart failure
11. Hypertensive crisis
12. Hypovolemic shock
13. Interventional cardiology (e.g., catheterization)
14. Myocardial conduction system defects
15. Ruptured or dissecting aneurysm (e.g., thoracic, abdominal, thoraco-abdominal)
16. Structural heart defects (acquired and congenital, including valvular disease)


You can do it!!! Take 30 minutes everyday to review material and complete at least 10 questions a day and you will be prepared to take the CCRN exam in a few months.